We Are…
Real Estate Investing
We’re on a mission to help 1,000 families like yours replace their income with Passive Income
Join our community of over 25,000 investors.
Who is Real Estate Investing.org?
RealEstateInvesting.org is the premier online community for those looking to replace their income with passive income from real estate. It’s a place where you can learn to invest like a pro, connect with industry experts, and get the strategies and tools you need to grow and scale your portfolio to new heights.
With tens of thousands of people in dozens of countries around the globe, we’ve become one of the world’s most trusted voices sharing the best of what works in real estate investing.
What We Believe
We believe that all investors should live within their means. We don’t believe that flashy cars, accessories, etc are a sign of wealth (unless you can show the passive income that pays for them!)
All people should always adding value to others. We all should be focused on giving rather than taking and money will come in the process.
The Abundance mindset will always win over the scarcity mindset.
Money can never be the end goal. Money gets us to our goals, but money is a pointless goal by itself.
Empower others always. Don’t just focus on yourself, build up the people and team around you.
Eric Bowlin
Eric Bowlin is a successful real estate investor who’s portfolio had over 450 units of real estate, mentor who’s coached and helped hundreds of clients, entrepreneur with multiple businesses, and commercial real estate sales agent in the Dallas – Fort Worth Metroplex.