If you're anything like me, you've been dreaming about doing a house flip, and about real estate for a long time. In fact, it's how I got started and it helped me grow to a portfolio of over 450 …
How Many Rental Properties to Retire?
A few years ago I was at a networking event and met a man who owned about 1,500 units worth of rental properties. I was shocked and said, wow you must be retired! He replied that no, he still had …
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How to Prepare for the Recession?
Yes, a recession is coming. That's obvious Well, I obviously say it tongue in cheek but I also say it very seriously. Yes, there is a 100% probability of a recession. What no one knows is …
Pro Forma Real Estate – The Complete Guide
Your real estate broker sent you a great property and pro forma for that real estate. You've crunched all the numbers it shows good rents that are growing and stable expenses. You model it out in …
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The 50% Rule – Does it Work? Maybe…
There are dozens of different ongoing operational costs to keep any rental property running smoothly. It's really easy to miss some of these when you're doing your analysis. That's why many investors …
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How to do a Comparative Market Analysis
I'm sure you've done it before - you looked on Zillow to figure out what you're house is worth. Don't be ashamed, most people do that. What you don't realize is Zillow is just using a computer …
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